Watch Your Language!
Written by Lisiate Tonga on 4th of December 2019

Your vocabulary, the words you use to describe things such as life experiences and failures, what you say when you communicate with others and most importantly how you talk to yourself is so crucial to your success.
People may think nothing of it, that it’s of no consequence when you use language like “I can’t do it” or “there’s no way” but in fact what you’re doing is sending negative messages to your subconscious which then takes it as instruction – even if the intention was not to do so. Your subconscious doesn’t differentiate what’s good for you and what’s not good for you. It just tries to manifest your thoughts and words into reality. And those types of statements are “dead-end statements” and so your subconscious takes that as gospel and nothing further happens in your brain to try to overcome whatever the challenge is you may be experiencing.

So here’s a hot tip: Take the time to be more conscious and aware of the language that you’re using – every day and all the time! Take inventory of your vocabulary and how you speak to others and yourself so that you can pick up those little cues that tell you whether you’re in a positive, proactive state or in a stagnant, negative one.

If you find that your language is negative then it’s time to change your vocabulary. Time to pick up a dictionary and books and start reading and learning new ways to describe your circumstances and challenges that keep you in the fight and looking for solutions and not throwing the towel in and walking away from them.

Lisiate Tonga

Lisiate is an addiction recovery expert who helps people break free from their negative habits and influences. He has spent the past few years writing a self-help book, Conquer Your Addictions, and also putting out relevant content weekly across multiple online platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and his blospot. His purpose is to help others in the struggle to overcome their demons and find meaning for their lives.
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