I help people break free from their addictions and negative influences by using proven methods in my 8 week recovery program
Do you struggle with addictions, bad habits and behaviours you can't get rid of? 

My name is Lisiate Tonga and I help people break free from their old, stubborn habits and behaviours and create a new pathway towards a life of purpose.

Find out more about:  Why people fail in recovery, what's required for full recovery, my journey through recovery and how my program is setup. 

Click the button below.
*This is 100% free insight, no credit card required.
Buy my ebook here!


Check out what other people have accomplished with the Upgrade Version You.0 Program.  Most started in the same boat that you were in.  See for yourself what they have done...

Nash's Story

To be honest its exactly probably what I was looking for.  It was more than just some tips as to what to do.  He really gave me a game plan to not only beat my addictions but to really kind of shape or reshape my life for the better.

What Jethro had to say...

 I loved working with Lisi especially when it came to the physical component which has really helped me in my day to day life.  It's definitely given me a sense of confidence being able to see physically and mentally the changes that can take place when you put in the hard work through exercise and diet.  That has really benefited me and given me hope because it's achievable


Listen to what people had to say about my masterclass on how to beat addictions in 3 moves!

Harry's Takeaways

"I think it's very common for a lot of people my age to have bad habits, maybe even minor addictions to things which are stopping your progress in life..." 

Nadia's Takeaways

"I struggle with patterns of negative thinking that have affected my life in ways that have held me back.  The principles I've learned just in the masterclass, not even haven taken his full program helped me to work on that self awareness and really look at the patterns of thinking I have developed and how they aren't serving me."


What Mel did for herself!

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